Thursday, February 28, 2013

{A little Slice of Heaven @ Market Trace}

 We started out our week will Sweet Sis's Student of the Month Breakfast.
Buddy cleaned his plate!!
Which led The Mr. to say, "See Honey, these kids would eat a big breakfast. . ."
Bless his heart.  Moving on.
 We love-love Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Saxton.  
They are amazing!
 Lily requested a walk to her class. 
I love to look at all the hall decor.
Children's Art makes my heart skip a beat.
 Look who we found! Yes, you guessed it! Theodore Roosevelt.
 Much history going on in this hall.
 Look at that sweet girl (A Lily Creation)!! Complete with Piggies with bows!
Oh So Cute!
 In other news. . . I do believe I have found a new grocery store.
Harps @ Market Trace.  
The Bakery. Y'all the bakery has angels singing all around. 
The baker needs to put on a choir robe instead of an apron.
 I need to talk to The Lord about issuing him a halo.
They made these taco salad bowls, warm and fresh.
They were a flaky delight.
I also thought their meat was super tasty.  Perhaps the butcher needs a halo too.
I rallied everyone to the kitchen to put together our 
Heavenly Taco Salads and all was well with my soul.

All this talk of "history" and "soul". . .you must know the story behind one of my most favorite hymns.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

{Overdue Eye Candy}

 I have had a very full week. . .and its only Tuesday. . . but I am good.
 These pictures are some overdue eye candy for you.
 I made a trip to the pharmacy in StoneWood Village, the pharmacy opened at 9:00. . . but
the pharmacist didn't arrive until 11:00. Sooo, I had a little time to kill. 
 I stopped at The Sewing Center just next door.  They have such a wonderful little shop.
 I made my rounds to our local Bible Book Stores and bought them out of these!
 These are some photos I took on Couch Shopping Day. . . 
 I went to Deans in Alma.  Fell absolutely in love with the old man that works there (his sons own it), and
 I refused to go anywhere else.  The couch below doesn't photograph as well as the others, but it was completely down-filled, so comfortable, and a complete bargain!! $400!!
I thought if you added lovely pillows it would just be so nice.
 Many of the other couches you see range from $4000 to $17,000. Ouch.
 I have yet to spot just the one to load up in the back of Ole' Red, but
 I am enjoying The Hunt.
I thought this little stool was sweet.
Talk Later my friends!

Do you have a favorite furniture store?

Monday, February 25, 2013

{Letting Go of Senseless Pressure}

 I don't remember talking much about Valentines this year.
I tend to make a big fuss over all holidays. . . well, as a matter of fact I enjoy
celebrating non-holidays too! I just love a good celebration!
Kids lose a tooth. Par-tay!
They learn to tie their shoes. Lets blow up some balloons!
You get the picture.
BUT this year I made a public service announcement before the kids even got out of the car.
"Mom will not be sending or bringing Love Gifts to school.
I will have you a small treat (and that's exactly what I meant) when I pick you up."
 I had a full day so I made a conscious effort to take some pressure off myself and let go of any
thoughts of my kids being the ONLY ones not having something delivered.
(It felt really good to tell myself, "GET OVER IT LADY!!")
And considering its February 24 and everyone is still alive. . . they survived it!
Besides those are the insane thoughts that cause sin and premature aging. I promise.
 Recently Lily was invited to a friends house, and she owned a Little Miss Sew & Sew. . .
How cute is that???  Little Miss Sew & Sew! SO adorable.
 These girls sewed their fingers to the bone!
They had the best time!
The next night they swapped houses 
and picked right back up where they left off.
Sewing and eating Oreos.  Dreamy.
Here are the cute little t-shirt dresses they made. (Pardon the blurry picture.)
They do have on mascara. Left-over. . . and not acquired at my house (might I add.)
A Precious Time.
Precious Girls.
(That are too young for make-up.)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

{If you are looking. . .}

for a great read, check out Stone Fox.
(Lily is 9 and she loved it)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

{An Award for Me?? Wow!}

Hi Everyone!  I was very honored when the lady with the super cute "lobster" J Crew Sweater @ Lobster Meets Peach  passed her Liebster Award along to ME.  Liebster, in German, means endearing, valued, and lovely. The award acknowledges up and coming bloggers for outstanding accomplishments within design that is presented on their blog.

Here are the rules for accepting the award:
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then
create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.

11 Random Facts about Myself
1.  I think my first random fact is I am confused about the random facts and the questions. . . I am not sure if I am supposed to answer the questions, or post 11 facts, or both . . .Perhaps my 2. Random Fact I am challenged and not a very good direction follower! But I am better than that! 

So here it goes!
1.  I like to have a $200 leather handbag and wear a $5 White Hanes T-Shirt. (Strange, I know.)
2.  I met my husband on a blind date. (I would've married him that night.)
3.  I love to smile.  I smile all day everyday. (Its good for your soul.)
4.  I love photos of dogs, dog decor, and the idea of having a dog, but I am not a dog-lover. Refuse to own one. (I know that makes me a lousy person.)
5.  I really think salt water runs through my veins. (Tears come when I pack up from the beach.)
6.  Its my hearts desire to own LL Bean Boots, a canoe, and a Jeep Grand Wagoneer.
7.  I would NEVER go back to high school. (You know how you hear people say that?  That's just Cray-Cray.)
8.  I like rap music. (There I said it. . . are you happy?)
9.  I think its always good to "sleep on it".  (Things never seem as intense the next day.)
10.  I don't have a problem with leaving the house with no make-up. (or hair fixed for that matter.)
11.  I could drive around and look at old homes all day.  I love real estate.

And to answer a few questions from her blog and some I made up on my own. . . 

1.  Do you like to go out or stay home on Friday Night?  Mmmm?  I am funny/strange.  I  am not real social.  I am, but not like a "jet setter".  I love to catch a movie and sit in a coffee shop. I am very content to be at home also.

2.  Do you have any pet peeves?  Gossip. 

3.  What is your favorite dessert?  Carrot Cake because it reminds me of my Grandma Reatha.  Chocolate Chip Cookies because my kids say that is the color of my hair.

4.  Who do I admire?  People that love the Lord and pray fervently.  People that spend more time serving others than they spend serving themselves.  People that have money. . . but you would never know it.

5.  Would you ever bungee jump?  No.  I am scared of heights.

6.  What is your favorite blog?  She is extremely motivating.  She inspires me to be more creative and fun with my kiddos.  Where does she get all those ideas???  Really???

7.  Do you like to take naps?  Yes.

8.  Drink of choice?  Sweet Tea.

9.  If you could snap your fingers. . .my laundry would be done & my eyebrows would stay perfectly manicured (Legs too!).

10.  If you could change anything. . . I might slow down time a little.

11.  Would you rather have a house keeper or a chef?  Chef. Please. (Can he/she start now?  I need a snack).

Well I think that is way enough about me!!!  Thank you so much for nominating my blog!  I enjoy blogging.  I am not a big TV watcher, so blogging is just easy for me.  I love getting to know people from all over the world.

 Here are my eleven blogs, and you ladies have complete freedom! 
Do the 11 random facts, and feel free to answer the same or different questions! Just have fun with it! And of course spread the LOVE with 11 bloggers of your choice!

Oops! I am choosing 12 (Rule Breaker!)

Choosing 11 (12!!) new blogs to pass the Liebster award to was fun because I know these ladies personally! These bloggers have a lot to offer and are very talented people who would love to show you their little slice of the pie in this world!  Thank you for spending a bit of your day with me!  Much LOVE to you all!

Thank you again Mrs. Peach! Lily and I like to tune in daily to see what B is up to!

Friday, February 22, 2013


We have been having some ICY weather!  ICY and COLD.
Today was technically "Winter Break", but we also were out of school yesterday.
 I don't know all the details but apparently our schools were a little late coming out of the gate. . . and the roads were super slick before school had let out.  I think this bus below might have been the deciding factor to shut the bus routes down.  We had no accidents.  All the kids were safe and warm.  Some parents weren't warm they were HOT (as in "call the law" hot!)!  I am so laid back I barely have a pulse, and this situation didn't ruffle my feathers.  
Some other happenings around the house. . . 
Lily and Carson thought it would be fun to blow up balloons until they popped in their face!
Oh, it made me a nervous wreck just awaiting the POP! 
 I am so proud of my little Lily! She has been learning about
Theodore Roosevelt at school, and if you dressed up like him you could get bonus points.
She came up with this little outfit all on her own.  
She didn't even ask me for help!
Her outfit was complete with knee high socks and a construction paper mustache.
 Oh be still my heart.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

{A Dig minus the Dump}

 Yesterday as I was surveying Carson's room. . . this boat caught my eye.
I brought it into the kitchen for further evaluation.
 I am not sure what the crew is bracing for but they are all heavily armed. . .
 even the pet monkey.
All good monkeys need bananas, and Carson didn't overlook that need either.
(That's my boy! Don't ever underestimate the power of a snack!) 
A few weeks ago we had talked about storing these little jewels. . .
 what I did was buy those large totes that you store under a bed.  I bought several so Carson could
 still "dig" without the "dump".  It has proved to be a genius plan considering I haven't 
 stepped on one since.  Have you ever stepped on a LEGO? Ouch.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

{Press ON / Wrap LOVE.}

Hello Tuesday! Where did Monday go?
The above picture explains some of the view my kids had of hosting DNOW weekend at the house.  My sweet kiddos were so fascinated with all the bodies and stuff! 
"Who is sleeping in my bed?" they asked. 
(Oh on another note. . . See the recliner? I got that baby fixed!)
A huge thanks Mom and Heather whom helped keep my babies all weekend!
Clothes Everywhere!
Snacks Everywhere!
More Snacks Everywhere!
Late Nights. . . really late nights.
Cold Showers.
Oh but it was so worth it. . .

to see those Bibles opened in my living room.
Young people digging in Gods Word.
It will really bless your heart!

These two ladies spend their time pouring their energy into the lives of young ladies.
Listen y'all, it ain't easy. BUT you cant put a price on eternal value.  It could be years before you ever see the fruits of your labor, and we might not ever see it here on this earth.
BUT we must press on and keep pouring!
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14
Look at these faces!
We all gathered Saturday morning for the "AMAZING RACE". 
It was amazing because I think the boys went to bed earlier Saturday night.
Below they are practicing their team chant!
  Greg (the group leader in my home), his team was the Mighty Piranhas!!!! 
 Scary, huh?  So much fun.
I am thankful the Lord allowed The Mr. and I to be apart of His work in young lives.
This was FOR SURE out of my comfort zone!
BUT I ask God to stretch me.  So. . . He does.
(It's not always supposed to be easy. . . )
I am still knocking out my New Years list. . .I desperately want to get my office organized.  So, I have spent the past two days searching for a work table and a wrapping station.  This is it!