Thursday, October 2, 2008

{1 down, 1 to go. . . }

I met with Clayton's teacher, and all is well. I mentioned this whole Bonkugon (who knows how to spell it, and I really don't care) situation. . . My thing is I have NEVER bought Clayton one but he continues to come home with them by the loads. . . and I am thinking, Me and Mr. Hobbs have always had a "no toy to school" rule so what happened to that? I am also thinking some kids mom has bought these things and I really don't want there to be any questions about Clayton having something that doesn't belong to him. To avoid this silly story from getting any longer, we have officially decided NO MORE TOYS AT SCHOOL. . . our original plan. But this started almost immediately after school started and I apparently wasn't at the top of my game.

We will meet with Lily's teacher at 7:10. I am anxious to see what she thinks of Lily's extra "mumbo jumbo" or "flair" she ads to her papers. Hopefully she will think it is totally necessary.

We'll talk later. Tonia

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