Saturday, January 3, 2009

{Maybe was right!}

I didn't make the broc salad. Instead I made (drum roll, please) . . . breakfast. Biscuits and gravy, bacon and eggs. Organic eggs (New Years Resolution). Speaking of which I haven't shared. I am just going to simply try to ad in more healthy choices and buy organic as much as I can afford to. Simple. And hey if I happen to lose a little weight in the process that certainly wouldn't be a bad thing either.
Also, if I don't get me USB out of storage, purchase an i-phone, or a computer I can simply put my memory card into, I am going to go crazy. My blog post are not very hearty without pics of something happening. . . I will try to resolve soon.
Love, Tonia

Oh, and by the way, I am so glad this thing has spellcheck on it!! I am embarrassed for me!! Forgive me Mrs. Tarver.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I'm sure Mrs. Tarver forgives you so long as you continue to read James Michener novels. Isn't that the writer with whom she was obsessed?