Wednesday, February 3, 2010

{Memory Lapse II}

This is cont'd from the last post. . .
I was headed to church. . . so I called on Crime Stoppers (Mr Hobbs) to help me with the discipline.
Big Crocodile Tears & This Letter. . .

Dear Ms. Barker,
I am so sorry that I took somthing of years. I wanted to be like you. I got cot dy mom. I will not take enethig From you agin I am sorry.

She received no corporal punishment. . . to my surprise.

But she turns him to mush. . .
I really think it was the "I wanted to be like you" that got him. . . it really pulled on my heartstrings too.
Hopefully this will be the last time she finds herself on the wrong side of the law.

1 comment:

Beaubecky said...

Poor girl! I think that sweet girl learned her lesson. :(