Saturday, October 23, 2010

{1000th Post ~ I'm Back ~ Spooked}

Hello "Boos"!
How are you today?
I am back from my little trip, and I had hopes
of a little "blog give away", like all the big time bloggers do. . .
but I just didn't find that perfect
little something.
Don't worry. . . I always deliver. . . but. . .not today.
We (Me & S. Meeker) had good times (Seen Cora! I hope you had fun!).
This was our 2nd year to escape. . . literally. . . like a jail break-out.
No joke.
Have you ever been there?
Moms, you know what I mean.
The logistics of going anywhere
are more complicated than things that happen
at NASA.
Anyways, I was glad we made it!
I cant think of anything I would want to say more for my
1000th post other than what have done today. . .
"spooked" my house
for the kiddos
all while listening to the
Monster Mash!

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