Monday, October 3, 2011

{2011 Staff Retreat}

I was hoping I would get a chance to explain myself. . . yes. . .Why is she wearing her
PTO t-shirt?
Wha? She's in the PTO? She never comes to the meetings. . . oh geeze.
BUT I didn't get a chance because photos surfaced on facebook first.
Biggest shirt I had. AND. I wanted as much covered as possible.
So there you have it.

Okay, I was seriously skeptical.  Wha? A ropes course?
Seriously? Have you seen my body lately?
BUT.  It. WAS. Amazing.
Awesome. AND very Challenging. 
I had a blast.
Once I let go of my size and weight. . .and just focused on team-building (the whole point, ya know?)
It was wonderful!
We had to balance. . . 

Stay focused. . . 
Trust. . .and fit through small holes!!!
OMG. The G is for Goodness. 
We had to get the tire on the pole and then. . .back off.
We passed. 
Most Athletic goes to. . .  
G-Lowe, of course. 
It was a wonderful experience!

When you can let go of all your human thoughts and feelings of your physical
self, focus on the task at hand, and seek out what God has in-store
for you. .  .You will be Limitless.

I am going to make a habit of letting go. . .

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