Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{Hooker Nails}

At my last leg (lookin' good, huh?) check up I spied a recent issue of Coastal Living,
(I have obvisouly let my subscription run out.  I need to get on that) 
as I was browsing the pages I came upon Erika!
Her sister!
I love her and adore her blog.  I felt like it was one of my friends in a magazine
. . . and that, my friend, is why I love blogging.  I have
traveled with their family back home to see Big Daddy (the kids Pop) for years. 
The White Watch.  I thought long and hard about buying one of these
a couple summers ago.  I never caved. I see they are still popping up
tempting me here and there.  A precious lady I work with has one. Perhaps she
will let me wear hers for an hour or so??  Then I will know for sure if
I just cant survive without one.  They are high on my list of "likes". BUT, here's
 the deal, so is the Fossil tortoise looking one. . .we'll see.  Oh yes, so is any sort
of orange and gold watch.  And. . . that is why I havent purchased anything. 
When I was still cooped up in bed I painted my nails.  Okay. Weird and Strange
in everyway, but I feel like a straight up hooker with my nails painted.  I do not like
color on my nails.  I tried it. . . for about 5 hours.  Then a freshly soaked cotton ball
took off all those dirty feelings colored nails made me have.
Tomboy? Perhaps. . . . 
And last but not least. . . this last photo is just simply me 
dreaming of me being that lady. in front of that house.
on that day.  in that space.  with my kids. minus hers.

(notice my naked short nail. . . and me anxiety free. Whew!)

Happy Spring Break & Rainy Day #3!

1 comment:

Jessica S. said...

Tonia, you make me smile everytime i read your blog. I just love it, and the picture of that girl on that day in front of that house. =)