Saturday, December 22, 2012

{Dear John}

We stayed at home today. . . until around 1:00.
The Mr. says, "You want to go drive around?"
That question was like having an early Christmas present!
I love and adore driving around.  Of course, we rounded the lake,
and the other lake, and drove clear out to her neck of the woods.
We almost "crashed" there but I am just not 100% sure about
Buddy's flu situation.  We finally landed at The Mr.s folks for a
bit.  His brother and sister came over too.  We ate at Steffy's Pizza.
That pizza is Heaven by the Slice. So wonderful.  Buddy ate a slice
and then put his head down on the table. Not.a.Good.Sign.

We are back here, Home Sweet Home.
Tree is lit.
Cozy clothes on.
How about some. . . Dear John.

Don't mind if I do.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Well, if I had seen the text, you would have definitely crashed here. :( Hate, hate that we missed you. And, you know, you never, ever, ever, ever have to call or text ahead. Ever.

Poor Buddy!