Saturday, April 24, 2010

{Mr. McDreamy Sparks}

So, I told my girlfriends a couple of weeks ago. . . that after seeing this movie. . .
and this movie. . .

and this movie. . .
(Our first movie date. . . Mr. Hobbs, "My True North")
I want to meet this guy!
(Did you have an older man pictured? I did.)
Meet Nicholas Sparks.
And like I said I would do. . .
I've done my research.
His life was somewhat of a surprise to me. . .he's a what? A Coach!
To read about "Mr. Romantic Writer of the Universe" go here:
Yes, he has his own website, fb fan page, and tour dates. . .
as he should.
I am so a fan!
Love, Tonia
P.S. Can you believe CBS passed on a television series of one of his books!!
What is wrong with people?
P.S. Maybe coaches are just romantic? Dana, fill us in. . .

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