Thursday, January 10, 2013

{DayCation/Bible Study/Inhaled Play-Doh}

Hello there! I must begin to try and explain what I was saying yesterday. . . .  It is simply finding a place and taking refuge! Resting. Relaxing. Sucking up the air. Running in the breeze.  Listening to every single bird chirp.  Closing your eyes.  Raising your head. Let the sun or the rain beat down on you! Enjoy the day!
Take a friend. Go alone. Leave the phone.  Its the atmosphere.  Its the soaking up all of Gods free goodness.  You can do this in your stinking backyard! Drag a chair to a park.  Or. . . you can drive. Park your car in the trees.  Sit. Slurp a drink. . . for hours. 
Stay close. . .or go.  Take a short trek to somewhere new.  That somewhere should make you feel like you are far far away. . .from the stresses and worries.  Its a DayCation.  Get a tank of gas.  Pick a place. And explore.  Enjoy meeting someone new.  Listen to a story.  People most often will talk if you smile and say Hello.  Oh how I love long talks with complete strangers! It is freeing!  I could go on. . and on. . .thus take the "Flying Fish" for example.  It made me feel free! and I had fun! I escaped for a bit.  I am not talking about running from reality.  I am encouraging being a free spirit!
 (If I get too much more free I am going to start wearing sunflowers in my hair).  
Stopping the insanity of doing the same thing everyday darn day of my life!
I am there!  
One simple (but yet kinda major for me) change I am making this year is . . . leaving my Bible Study I have been going to. . . for. . . years.  Years, people!  And for the last couple of weeks I just thought I would 
find me another one. . . 
But days passed and conversations about cracked pots happened. . . and now. . . I am praying about leading one! 
It might be just me, myself, and I.  But I am in "go for it!" mode! Well, and "prayer mode"! What in the
world to do????!!!!????  As you can see I have scoured the internet tonight for "what in the world" to do?
Yes, I seriously looked at the Seal Team book. That boy is from AR and he paid the ultimate price. 
I am a HUGE practical application person.  Learn. Apply. Do. Teach Someone Else!  Who teaches someone else! You see?  Books or Bible Studies, and perhaps a session of ideas and challenges to help us be better mothers, friends, wives... just wherever a person is. . . I want to meet them there.
It will be swell.  It will.  As soon as I put my finger on it.
Will you pray with me about this?
Better yet. . .join me!
Speaking of swell and well. . . look at this precious boy, would you?
That is a dinosaur.  A Play-Doh creation. 
Oh yes, I thought of this one too. . . Fresh Air! Who doesn't need Fresh Air??!!
He brought me that dinosaur and before I snapped a photo 
I inhaled a big whiff of it.  Who in their right mind wouldn't do that?
Feel free to share any thoughts, or maybe a great Bible Study experience you have had. . . 


Katie said...

If you start a bible study please let me know! I will be the first in line to join!
And that dinosaur is just precious :)

Teresa M. said...

How about an online study? Would be great!