Thursday, May 2, 2013

{Flip Flop Feet}

I have been proofing our BeAcH PhOtOs tonight! Just letting them scroll while I am in a complete trance. 
Complete Trance. I love them, but I am a horrible picker.
Earlier in the week it was PINK ( you might have seen on IG). . . today the tan/black. Swoon. I cannot wait to wear these.  Its looking sooo bright for me since the snow is moving in here!
I ran this little girls (IG photo fix) legs off today. . .we went to EVERY furniture the surrounding area has to offer.
This couch is SUPER comfortable.  This couch is LONG.  This couch comes in several fabrics.
I really LOVE it! All I can see is. . . flip flop feet.  You know the feet I am talking about?
Dusty on top and black on the bottom. . . those feet on this couch.
But why worry about such?  
Perhaps I should just buy and enjoy . . .
What do you think????


Katie said...

LOVE that sofa, but as you know I am partial to white :) is it slipcovered? if so no need to worry about feet at all!

Tonia Hobbs said...

That is funny you say that. . .Brad says it looks like an old couch with a "sheet stapled to it"! Funny, huh? It isnt slip covered. . . Mmmm?