Tuesday, January 29, 2013

{The "Get Well" Agenda}

 Good Morning! I feel confident today is going to be a better day!  I am having a horrible time getting The Baby better!  He has had the flu, stomach virus, and now a repeat of the stomach virus since the beginning of December.  
 This morning was his special breakfast at school and as you can see. . . we wont make it.  He was so disappointed.  His precious teacher, Mrs. Barker, said she would figure something out! Whew! 
Aren't loving and caring teachers great!?!
 After 2 doses of Tami-flu and 2 other concoctions of meds this little girls eyes seem much brighter this morning!  I made 4 calls to the doctor and 3 trips to the pharmacy yesterday.
 I am so so thankful both of them are feeling better, and that Clayton seems to have escaped it so far.
 Nothing on Buddy's and Lily's agenda today except for soup & crackers, TV, books, and some snuggling.
(I couldn't help but notice how long her hair is getting this morning.)
My agenda on the other hand. . . 
Nurse Mom
House Keeper (thinking of tackling that frig. . .)
Laundry Specialist
Nursery Director (time for that February Schedule)
Curling back in next to Buddy sure does sound more appealing though.

Would anyone like to share their secret to successful laundry?


Brittney said...

Successful laundry? Have enough clothes that you can go a while without having to do laundry. Once you are out of underwear or socks, finally do it...complain just enough to get on your husband's nerves...and then ask him to pair up one bazillion socks. Works for me every time. :)

Lobster Meets Peach said...

I am so sorry you kiddos are sick! This winter has been unreal. I hope that everyone is well soon. As for the laundry, I figure it will get better when all of the kids are off at college or something;)