Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Go read here! What a wonderful thing to do!Buy a Cup for a Cop from Somewhere Splendid via the TomKat Studio.


Katie said...

Love the gift card idea! I could keep one on hand for when I inevitability get pulled over for going a bit to fast ;)

Tonia Hobbs said...

That is a great idea! Just kinda be like. . .since you are here I have been meaning to take this to the poiice dept!! Let me know how it works for ya!

Tonia Hobbs said...


Katie said...

Yes! I wouldn't want to come off rude at all! I heard on Air 1 one time one of the DJ's got stopped and after the police man did his thing (not sure if it was a ticket or warning or what) the DJ thanked him and the police man was really grateful for that. I want to do something like that if I ever get the chance :)