Tuesday, August 20, 2013

{Relish & Enjoy}

Every year.  Its me.  The weepy mom.  The one who holds on to each moment for dear life.  Wondering where time goes.  Wondering why nobody has asked for "dog eared" sandwiches or help tying shoes.  Wondering how I just went down for a quick nap and woke up to training bras and body odor.  I recently read an article in Home Life (they have a fabulous blog too!) about kids growing up.  The mom was referring to her daughter wanting to re-do her bedroom. . . about not understanding what in the world was wrong with the pink she had since she was 3. . .You know that just happened to me, right?
She made reference to Ecclesiastes 3:1.  The article encouraged me to relish each stage, but also enjoy the how God is forming and growing them into Godly men and women.
I needed that encouragement and was thankful for a new perspective on a verse that I have had hidden in my heart for years!
  Watching your children grow is such a joy, isn't it?

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